Saturday, 25 April 2015

    How to make your immune system stronger?

Human body is surrounded by a millions of  bacteria, virus and other microbes that have the potential to enter into body and cause diseases. The immune system is the body's defence against pathogens(disease causing organisms).The main function of the immune system is to prevent and fight infectious organisms and other invaders.
Immune system works 24/7 to keep your body healthy and free from diseases. A good immune system is essential for proper functioning of the body. But when the immune system impaired, a pathogen invades sucessfully and makes you sick.

Several factors contribute to a low immune function. They are the following.

Emotional stress

Sleep deprivation

Vitamin deficiencies

Lack of  physical exercise

Over exposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV)rays

Excessive use of antibiotics

Exposure to environmental toxins

Poor dietary habits

Inadequate hygiene

Boosting the immune system is very essential. You can make your immune system stronger through dietary and lifestyle changes.

 1) Garlic : Garlic is a natural immune booster. Its active ingredient 'allicin' helps to fight infection and bacteria. In addition, garlic contains vitamins C and B6 along with minerals selenium and manganese which helps to boost immune system.

Eat 2 - 3 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach daily. Add crushed garlic to dishes. Avoid cooking garlic too much as it can destroys its active compunds.

2) Turmeric :Turmeric has antioxidants which are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. Curcumin, a principal compound in turmeric, helps to make the cells more resistant to infection.

Drink a glass of turmeric milk daily. To make the milk, boil 1 tsp of  turmeric powder in 1 cup of milk. Add a little honey and drink it.

3) Probiotic yogurt : Probiotic yogurt contains billions of friendly gut organisms (probiotics) which helps to strengthen your immune system. It aids in the development of  white blood cells and antibodies which in turn reduces the incidence and duration of infections.

Eat two cups of probiotic yogurt every day.

4) Lemon : Lemons contains vitamin C, which plays a major role in boosting your immunity. Vitamin C  helps the white blood cells to function properly so that they can quickly respond to infections.

Drink a glass lemon water with honey with an empty stomach regularly.

5) Green tea :Antioxidants in green tea is essential to keep the immune system running normally.
Drink 2 – 3 cups of green tea daily.

6) Ginger : The warming effect of ginger on the body helps to break down toxins accumulated in the body. This helps in decreasing the risk of infections.

7) Vitamin D : Deficiency of vitamin D enhances autoimmunity as well as susceptibility to infections.

Expose your body to early morning sunlight for 10-15 minutes, as it triggers the production of vitamin D in the body.

8) Exercise : Excercise helps to increase white blood cell count, improves blood circultaion and flush out bacteria from the lungs and airways. All these factors reduce your chance of getting sick.

Excercise regularly for 30 minutes to boost your immune system.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more. 

Saturday, 18 April 2015

  How the Alzheimer's can be delayed?

Alzheimer's is a most common type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.Generally symptoms develops slowly and get more severe over time which becomes serious enough to interfere with daily tasks.

Signs and symptoms

The first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is usually minor memory problems.

For example, this can be forgetting about recent conversations and events, and forgetting the names of places and objects.

As the condition develops, memory problems becomes worse and further symptoms can develop, such as:

1) Confusion and disorientation.

2) Personality changes such as becoming aggressive,demanding and suspicious of others.

3) Hallucinations(seeing things that are not there) and delusions (believing things that are untrue).

4) Problems with language and speech.

5) Problems moving around without assistance.

Who is affected?

Alzheimer's disease is most common in people over the age of 65 and women may more likely to have Alzheimer's disease than men.

Major risk factors:


Family history


In addition, people with mild cognitive impairment, downs syndrome and past head trauma appear to have a greater risk of developing it.

How it can be prevented or delayed?

There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease.However, you can prevent or slow its progression with lifestyle and dietary changes.

1) Coconut Oil: Coconut oil helps in preventing Alzheimer's disease and other brain problems.Amyloid-β(Aβ) is one of the contributing components of this disease. According to a 2014 study published in the journal of Alzheimer's disease, coconut oil decreases the effects of amyloid-β (Aβ) on cortical neurons in the brain and it also helps in restoring the lining of the nerves and improves cognitive performance.

For overall health of your brain, eat 1to 2 tsps of organic, cold pressed,non-hydrogenated,virgin cocnut oil twice daily on a regular basis. 

2) Cinnamon: Cinnamon facilitates the better blood flow to the brain as well as improves memory and recognition. Additionally, it helps to control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes, one of the risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.

Put cinnamon in your tea, toast, cereal, oatmeal, fruit salads and smoothies.

3) Almonds: Vitamin E slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Almonds are good source of vitamin E. In addition omega – 3fatty acids in almonds boosts memory and it supports nervous system.

Eat a handful of dry roasted almonds daily to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

4) Indian Gooseberry: Indian gooseberry can help prevent and delay the onset of AD. In addition, being rich in vitamin C and other powerful antioxidants it nourishes the brain and improves mental functioning.

Take this fruit in raw or juice form regularly.

5) Get omega - 3 fatty acids in your diet by eating fatty fish, walnuts, flaxseeds, beans and olive oil.

6) Opt for a stimulating job and spend time in mentally challenging activities such as reading, playing games or playing a musical instrument.

7) A healthy social life can also prevent the onset of this disease.

8) Avoid alcohol and cigarette smoking.

9) A few minutes of early morning sun exposure daily provides vitamin D that can also help improve brain function.

10) Enjoy brisk walking on grass for a minimum of 30 minutes at least five times a week.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

    Treating the kidney stones in a natural way      

What are kidneys?

Kidneys are solid, bean shaped, reddish brown paired structures which lies behind the abdominal cavity one on either side of the vertebral column. Kidneys are filtering organs which removes the waste products and excess fluid through urine.

How kidneys are helpful for us?

These kidneys are helpful in maintaining electrolyte balance. When blood flows to the kidneys, sensors within specialized kidney cells regulates how much water to excrete as urine. 

For example, if a person is dehydrated due to exercise or from an illness, then the kidneys will hold onto as much water as possible and the urine becomes concentrated. When adequate water is present in the body, urine will be much more diluted and clear. This system is controlled by renin, a hormone produced by the kidney.

Do you know?

About 180 liters of blood which runs through these nephrons, are reduced to urine by process of filtration, reabsorption and secretion by the nephrons. Human beings on an average pass about 1 to 1.5 liters of urine per day.

Kidney stones are one of the commonest diseases in our country and pain due to kidneys stones is worse than that of labor pain. In India, 5 – 7 million patients suffer from kidney stone diseases. 

What are the causes for kidney stone formation?

There are no direct causes for stone formation. However, there are few hypothesis in this regard.

Kidneys stones can be formed anywhere in the urinary system (like Kidney, ureter and bladder).

1) Hereditary:This may have some role as people in the same family are more prone to kidney stone formation.

2) Diet: Diet is not a dominating factor. However, if an individual is a stone former, the diet rich in calcium, oxalated and uric acid may increase the chances of stone formation.
3) Medications: Medications like diureteric, excess calcium containing antacids or calcium pills will increase the chances of forming stones.

4) Chronic medical illness : Some chronic illness are also associated with stone formation such as cystic fibrosis and inflammatory bowel diseases etc increases the risk of kidney stone formation.

Eating strategies to treat kidney stones

Pomegranate: Both the seeds and juice of pomegranate have astringent properties which helps in the treatment of kidney stones.

Watermelon: Water melon is a great way to treat kidney stones. The potassium present in water melon is an essential ingredient for healthy kidneys. It helps regulate and maintain the acid level in urine. Along with this water melon also contains a high concentration of water, which helps in flushing out kidney stones.

Wheat grass: Wheat grass is highly effective in treating kidney stones and other kidney diseases naturally. Wheat grass is a good source of magnesium, potassium, iron, amino acids, chlorophyll and B vitamins.

You can also have a glass of wheat grass juice mixed with one table spoon of lemon juice and juice extracted from basil leaves.

Bran flakes: According to study conducted by the American society of nephrology, whole grain rich diets have been associated with reduction of kidney stone as they contains sufficient amounts of  vitamins, minerals and fiber. Furthermore, the insoluble fiber present in wheat helps reduce calcium in the intestines, thereby eliminating it through the stool.

Kidney beans: Being high in fiber, kidney beans can be effective in the treatment of any kind of kidney or bladder problems including kidney stones.

Moreover, make sure to drink plenty of water. If you drink 8 -10 glasses of water along with other kinds of fluids daily, the color of urine will become clear, which is a good sign.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

                  What Happens During A Heart Attack ?

The number of people who suffers from heart attack is constantly on the raise. Many people die due to heart attacks and doctors tirelessly tells us about the symptoms of heart attack. But how many of you know what exactly happens inside your body and to your heart during a heart attack? Well, a look at a heart attack from your body's perspective.

1) Most heart attacks happens because of a blockage in the blood vessels that leads to muscles of the heart. This blockage happens because of plaque (a sticky substance which is made up of fats, cholesterol and white blood cells) build up on the arterial walls of the heart.

2) When this plaque gets disturbed it breaks up into number of tiny pieces which go and  lodge themselves in various places.

3) Thinking that there is a threat to blood vessel, your red blood cells and white blood cells go and attach themselves to the plaque. During this repair mechanism these cells end up blocking the blood vessel.

4) Once blocked the blood flow through the heart stops and can no more reach other parts of the heart muscle. Because of lack of oxygen those parts of the heart muscle start to die.

5) Your body then realizing that the heart is not working properly goes into the fight or  flight mode. It sends signal to the spinal cord that the heart is in trouble.

6) The spinal cord in turn sends a message to your brain which interprets as pain in the jaw, left hand and chest.

7)  In an attempt to survive, your body starts to sweat profusely.

8) Your breathing also becomes difficult as your heart can no longer supply your lungs with blood and oxygen. So it also stops functioning optimally.

9) Apart from the lungs the brain also gets affected and one starts feeling dizzy. This is when you are likely to collapse from lack of oxygen to the essential organs of the body.

10) The muscles of the heart that have been deprived of oxygen will die.

When you suffer a heart attack, the first one hour from onset is the most crucial time and the life could be saved if you are under proper medical care with in that time.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

          Why Fried Foods Enhances The Risk Of Heart Diseases

Recent studies have shown that eating more fried foods can lead to increased risk of Heart diseases. According to research, people who ate fried foods at least once per week had a greater tendency to get heart diseases and the risk increases as the frequency of fried foods consumption increases.

Fried foods usually contain partially hydrogenated oils or trans fats along with saturated fat. Transfats tends to raise total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and lowers HDL(good) cholesterol levels, which contributes to an increased risk for heart diseases.

On the other hand, transfats prevents the synthesis of prostacyclin which is necessary for blood flowing.When arteries cannot produce prostacyclin that causes formation of blood clots and it may leads to sudden death.

Transfats are usually formed by repeated heating of oils basically in commercial setups. Eating fried foods away from home where frying oil may not be fresh posed the greatest risk. With each reuse, oil becomes more degraded and more gets absorbed into food that contributes to weight gain, increases LDL(bad)cholesterol levels and high blood pressure which are the risk factors for heart diseases.

Popularly available oils like soybean, corn and sunflower have greater tendency to produce transfats upon repeated heating compared to age old ground nut oil and till oil which have less tendency to form transfats.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more.

Friday, 3 April 2015

  How Excess Salt Intake Effects On Your Body

According to nutritionists, small amounts of salt on a daily basis is essential for cellular homeostasis and physiological function.

Salt works on your kidneys to make your body hold on to more water. This excess stored water increases blood pressure and puts strain on kidneys, arteries,heart and brain.


Your body removes unwanted fluid by filtering your blood through your kidneys.This unwanted fluid will be removed as urine. 

 In order, to perform this your kidneys uses osmosis which involves a delicate balance of sodium and potassium to draw the unwanted water out of your blood.

Eating excess salt raises the amount of sodium in your blood stream and damages the delicate balance of sodium and potassium, reduces the ability of your kidneys to remove the water. This finally results in a high blood pressure due to the extra fluid and extra strain on the delicate blood vessels leading to kidneys. Over time, this will leads to kidney damage.


The high blood pressure which is caused by taking too much salt put extra strain on blood vessels. To cope up with the extra strain, the tiny muscles in the artery walls becomes stronger and thicker. This makes the space inside blood vessels smaller, and raises your blood pressure even higher.

This cycle of increasing blood pressure finally causes narrowing of blood vessels that clogs up slowly, this results in depriving of oxygen and nutrients to other organs which is fatal.


The raised blood pressure caused by eating too much of salt may damage the blood vessels of the heart.

At first, it may cause a slight reduction in the amount of blood reaching the heart. This may leads to angina (sharp pain in the chest). If you continue to eat too much salt, this leads to clogging up of arteries.

If this happens, then part of the heart that was receiving the blood no longer gets the required oxygen and nutrients. This results in heart attack.


Incase of  brain, high blood pressure causes slight reduction in the amount of blood reaching the brain. This leads to dementia (gradual decrease in ability to think and remember).

If you continue to eat too much of salt ,that causes clogging up of arteries which leads to brain.This finally results in brain stroke.

So the best way to prevent all this is, to keep your blood pressure low by taking less amount of salt.

If you feel that visiting diagnostic centers  just for giving sample is stressful, Mapmylab can arrange for home visits. Do call us on 9948492333/9948191333 to know more.